Me x Cancer

How it all began

Cancer has been part of my life as far back as I can remember.

I was diagnosed with a malignant teratoma when I was only five years old.  It was the size of a football and weighed 8 pounds. 

Can you believe I carried that around in my little body?

I had the tumor, an ovary and fallopian tube removed.  My scar still stretches all the way across my belly.  The surgeons stapled me back together and chemo started right away.

I think about being “put back together” physically and have wondered for years how we can be “put back together” mentally, emotionally, after a trauma like Cancer?

I figured it out. Can’t wait to share my tools with you.

Me x Healing

The process of healing from childhood cancer was a long and difficult journey.

But I won!

I considered myself emotionally healed.

I mean…here are the facts.  I was a senior executive.  I was on the leadership board.  I was successful in sales.  I was managing a multi-million dollar business.

Clearly—the facts are the facts…I was emotionally healed!

These “facts” sure didn’t help my emotional state when I heard the words “you have cervical cancer.”  Cancer didn’t care that I was a vice president. 

A year and a half after winning my battle with cervical cancer, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Again—I rambled off my resume, my importance in the boardroom, my status in my company to Cancer.

Cancer didn’t care.

Knocking out the uncaring life-disrupter named cancer wasn’t easy.

I regained control with a pretty ugly fist fight.

Again…I Won!

Me x You

I am excited to connect with you and guide you through a program that is broken down into actionable steps. I am not going to leave you with some sort of “love yourself more than yesterday” mumbo-jumbo.

I will literally walk you toward healing.  With each step, I’m with you.  With each step, you are showing up for yourself, for your career, for your family!

I am proof that this system works.  I was the “medical trail” and can tell you that this trail is absolutely approved!

Have you been thinking about REBUILDing your life after Cancer has torn down the walls?
Do you know where to start?

I do!

Let’s begin with a solid foundation and walk up the staircase to becoming a Cancer Killing Goddess who THRIVES in her life and in her career.